Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Some late input on The Mortal Instruments

I have a bit of a secret to tell. Several years ago, on the recommendation of some friends, I picked up City of Bones, the first book in what was then The Mortal Instruments trilogy. To be frank, I hated it. But, the aforementioned friends convinced me that I should put my overwhelming feeling of queasy unease aside and finish reading the series.

It took me much longer than I had expected but after a couple of months I could finally say that I had given it a legit chance and move on with my life. I left the books behind me with a tepid opinion of them.

Then the buzz started because this much beloved series was not only getting a spin off series (prequel to be exact) but several more books were going to be added to the original three, and a movie had been optioned. I didn't get it.

As much as I thought the story was well written, because it is. Much more so than so many other hard to put down YA series, ahem Twilight. I just couldn't understand Jace's appeal and don't even get me started on the creep factor I felt stemming from the love triangle. So, I proceeded to forget about it. My friends got excited about the movie and I ignored it. And then this summer, suddenly finding myself with an incredible amount of free time on my hands I decided to revisit the series I just didn't get, despite an overwhelming stack of to-read books on my shelf and Nook.

My thoughts on the original three books have significantly improved. Do I still feel a bit off about the love triangle, of course, I don't know any one who is reading the series that wouldn't. But I learned to appreciate the nuances in the story, the layered characters, how incredibly developed and rich this world of Shadowhunters and Downworlders that Cassandra Clare created for her readers. I genuinely enjoyed reading it the second time around, and to my surprise found that I didn't remember large chunks of the book, so it was at some points like reading it for the first time.

I have since moved onto books 4 and 5, and I am finding much like the first three I am not in love with them the first time around. I honestly think that, maybe just maybe, the Mortal Instruments Series gets better with age, but I will wait to give a better review upon finishing the remainder of the books.

I can say now that the first movie is in production and I have found a new found love for Jace, Clary, Simon, Izzy, Alec and Magus I am counting down the days along with my friends.

This article was originally published on: